Vol. 6 Issue 5, May 2024

WellBeing International || Tales of WellBeing
Solutions for People, Animals and Environment
Humpback Whale | Credit: Lightleak Films, AdobeStock

Animals, Biodiversity, and Climate Change

Restoring animal populations can help enhance biodiversity and mitigate climate change.

Pukka snoozing after a hard day of play | Photo credit: Ed Kerasote

Dog Longevity: The True Value of a Dog Year!

Investigating dog aging and the quest for longer-lived dogs. READ

Book covers of The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger & Planta Sapiens by Paco Calvo with Natalie Lawrence

Book Reviews: “The Light Eaters” & “Planta Sapiens”

New research on plant behavior and communication raises questions about plant awareness and sentience. READ

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