Global Awareness Archive

In the 19th century, two American conservation giants held conflicting views on how best to conserve nature. Gifford Pinchot campaigned to save natural areas FOR human use and enjoyment, while John Muir campaigned to preserve nature FROM human exploitation. Pinchot’s legacy includes Yellowstone National Park, whereas...

Book ReviewJonathan Losos is an evolutionary biologist who has reached the pinnacle of achievement for a US research scientist, election to the US National Academy of Sciences. He is best known for his work on lizard adaptations and evolution – specifically the anole lizards of...

On March 2, 2022, the United Nations Environment Assembly (the world's environment parliament) passed a landmark resolution calling on the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to produce a report on the Nexus between animal welfare, the environment, and sustainable development. This Resolution offers enormous potential...

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