Global Awareness Archive

As WellBeing International continues to explore children's well-being, this article explores the possibility of an approach that may enrich communication with and the life experience of an autistic child1.As previously reported, T. Berry Brazelton, American pediatrician and author of numerous popular infant development and child-care...

“A responsible caretaker of our world must safeguard people, animals, and the environment for each element is tightly connected and dependent on the well-being of the others.” ~Andrew RowanGlobal interest in the well-being of people, animals, and a sustainable environment has grown dramatically. This increasing...

IntroductionThe twenty-eighth session of the Conference of Parties (COP28) on climate change opened in Dubai on Thursday, 30 November, and is scheduled to last until Tuesday, 12 December.  Early speakers included King Charles III and President Narendra Modi, who addressed a gathering that included more...

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