Animals Archive

The Nexus between Animal Welfare, the Environment, and Sustainable Development was the focus of a Resolution (sponsored by six African states and Pakistan) passed by consensus at the Fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) in March of 2022. The Resolution requested the United Nations Environment...

Periodically, WellBeing News (WBN) carries a story on using animals to test the safety of chemicals (see May 2021 and December 2021). Advocacy campaigns to switch from animal tests to non-animal alternatives started over a hundred years ago. Public policy initiatives and technological advances leading...

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has wreaked destruction and devastation on people, animals, and the environment. While the latest missile attacks on Ukraine's civilian infrastructure and population have dimmed hopes for any resolution in the near future, let us reflect on some positive stories. For example,...

Save the Dogs and Other Animals is a registered nonprofit in Romania, Italy, and the U.S.  While its administrative headquarters is in Milan, its programs are implemented in Romania and Italy. Save the Dogs is a partner in the Ukraine Rescue, Relief & Rebuild (U3R)...

As the world's nations prepare to meet to discuss the Convention on Biodiversity in Montreal this December, the world is facing its sixth mass extinction event. Unlike the previous five events, which were triggered by significant earth climate disruptions, the sixth mass extinction is mainly...

With wildlife and biodiversity in an unprecedented crisis, pressure weighs heavily on the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), a multilateral environmental treaty that went into effect in 1993.In December 2022, the CBD's fifteenth Conference of Parties (COP15) will convene in Montreal to adopt an...

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