Vol. 3 Issue 6, June 2021

WellBeing International || Tales of WellBeing
Solutions for People, Animals and Environment

Horseshoe Crabs Come Ashore!

After 15 months of looking at the four walls of her house and now fully vaccinated, WBI International Globe Team member Laura Gosse and her family were eager to be anywhere but there. So, for their first foray, they travelled 2 hours to Slaughter Beach, a small Delaware community on the shores of the Delaware Bay. They, however, were not the only ones to flock to the beach. Thousands of horseshoe crabs had come ashore on Slaughter Beach; it was mating season.

Brianna and Lulu: A Girl and Her Dog
7-year old Brianna and her family adopt Lulu from the local shelter and WBI partner Asociación Humanitaria Para la Proteccion Animal de Costa Rica. READ MORE

A Review of ‘How to Save our Planet’
World Wildlife Fund produced an 8-minute video worth watching simply to feast on the photographs and video images. They are stunning, but freighted with warnings and specific goals to help humans change the world from an unsustainable to a sustainable future. READ MORE

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