Vol. 3 Issue 3, March 2021

WellBeing International | WellBeing News
Solutions for People,Animals and Environment

Rhino Decline Shock

In his monthly letter, WBI President Andrew Rowan lays out the stark and rapidly declining numbers of wild rhinos in the world. Shockingly, the Kruger National Park rhino population in South Africa decreased by 70% in ten years due in large part to poaching.

Forests and Livelihoods in Asia: Sustaining People and Planet
Today, more than a billion people worldwide, directly and indirectly, derive their livelihoods from protected areas. Countries in Asia such as Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos are battling poverty and dealing with large-scale land-use changes that have gravely diminished the biodiversity of the region. Dr. Naveen Pandey, Deputy Director and Veterinary Advisor of the Corbett Foundation in India, writes about the results of national programs trying to curb the damage. READ MORE

World Happiness 2021
Nobody will be surprised to learn that the 2021 World Happiness Report looks at how the world is faring under the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of this year’s report was two-fold – to look at the impact of the pandemic on the structure and quality of people’s lives and, second, to evaluate how governments have dealt with the pandemic. Surprisingly, people have been more resilient during the pandemic than might have been expected. READ MORE

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